How to Recognize the Signs of Opioid Abuse in Your Loved One

Most people know that the opioid crisis is a growing problem nationwide. But even so, the stigma surrounding opioid use and abuse has not abated. This can make it much more difficult for those who are struggling with opioid addiction to seek out help. As such, it may be crucial for friends and family members to learn how to recognize the signs of opioid misuse in the people they care about. The more you know about how opioid addiction presents itself, the better position you'll be in to offer opioid dependence treatment as a solution.

What Are the Common Signs of Opioid Addiction?

Although not everyone will exhibit all the same signs of opioid misuse, certain aspects of this disease are fairly ubiquitous. Someone living with an opioid addiction may exhibit:

  • Drowsiness or lack of energy
  • Shallow and slow breathing
  • Constant scratching
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Poor hygiene
  • Isolation and secrecy
  • Financial or legal problems
  • Slurred speech
  • Shaking or sweating
  • Depression, anxiety, or irritability
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Mood swings
  • Inability to control opioid use

How Can I Help a Loved One Who Is Struggling With Opioid Abuse?

One of the first steps you can take to help your loved one is to learn more about opioid addiction. Not only can this allow you to recognize the signs of a potential problem, but it can also help you avoid enabling your loved one and encourage them to get help. While you can't force your loved one to make a change and to embrace recovery, you may be able to be a positive influence in their life and support them in a healthy way.

You can also learn more about the potential ways to overcome drug addiction, such as medication-assisted opioid treatment. Methadone clinics can provide a way for those struggling with opioid abuse to make progress in their recovery journey in a way that offers medical supervision and therapeutic interventions. Although methadone is actually a federally designated Schedule II drug, drug addiction clinics that offer methadone therapy do so because methadone can ease the symptoms of withdrawal while blocking the euphoric effects of opiates. Ultimately, the treatment offered at methadone clinics can allow those who struggle with addiction to treat previous trauma, gain the tools to combat relapse and create a healthy lifestyle free of drug use.

Every person's path to recovery is different. But you can help your loved one by learning more about their disease, the challenges they face, and the opioid abuse treatment centers Tucson trusts. For additional information about the program at our methadone clinic, please contact us today.

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